We are a purely Czech company that specializes in tank transport. We have been in this field since 1999. Many years of experience make us a qualified partner for anyone who is interested in our services. We transport for wholesale fuel companies, petrol stations, but also for smaller farmers. PARAMO, a. s. is our basic supplier for tank transport.


We focus on the transport of chemical and non-chemical liquids in tank transport. The most frequently transported products include fuels, oils and dangerous goods (ADR). We do not transport solids and food. 100% of our transport is by road.

We are able to implement your demand from day to day.

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Scope of services

We provide road tank transport on a national and international level. Foreign transport takes place within the European Union, but we focus mainly on Western Europe.


We own tanks with a capacity of 1.000 to 34.000 litres and a total transport capacity of up to 500,000 litres per day. In addition, we can transport more products at the same time thanks to multi-chamber tanks. Tanks are equipped to meet the criteria for the transport of dangerous goods.


Our company is flexible, we can handle tank transport in a very short time so that you do not have to wait weeks for delivery.

Do you have a question? Contact us, we will be happy to answer your questions